Apr 21

On the move again. Sunday, Tim and Sheila joined me from Alberta, Canada. We drove from Manchester airport through the peak district, through the towns of Buxton and Matlock, seeing some great scenery along the way. a good introduction to spectacular Britain, I think.

Yesterday, we enjoyed one of the nicest days so far this spring, and drove to Warwick, visiting the castle and the town.

two miscreants I found at the castle

two miscreants I found at the castle


Warwick Castle from the Avon river


one of the birds on display at the raptor show, Warwick Castle


tomb of Catherine (Daughter of Roger Mortimer), wife of the Earl of Warwick (our sometime aunt…), and the Earl

We visited the castle, touring all round and watching the trebuchet demonstration, the birds of prey, and listening to a fascinating description of the history of the castle. The day was so gorgeous, one couldn’t have had a better opportunity.

We then went to the town, visiting the church where Katherine is buried. This long-distant relative was the wife of the Earl of Warwick. No telling who you are related to!

We then returned to Braunston in preparation for the big departure today. Off east, up the Braunston locks (heavy!) and then the crooked Braunston tunnel. Then to Watford junction and north on the Leicester Branch of the Grand Union Canal. While I have done this before, it is great to have new people on this great canal section.

Sheila did some driving, they learned about staircase locks, went through the Crick tunnel, and then mooring for the evening in a gorgeous, quiet section of the canal I’ve moored at before, near Yelvertoft. An amazing ending to a perfect day on the canals.

Spring on the Leicester Branch of the Grand union Canal

Spring on the Leicester Branch of the Grand union Canal


Sheila nervously,but competently steering the boat. Ed is relaxed and confident!


About Ed Mortimer

I'm a retired school teacher, now living on my Dutch cruiser in France. I'm touring as much of the canals and river systems as I can. This blog describes what I do and where I've been. I did spend 5 years on first a narrowboat, and then this boat, in Britain.
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