The last of the freycinet gauge canals for a while (38m x 5.0m). It has been an hot but delightful journey through these canals. There is so little traffic (Covid has all but eliminated any trip boats, and all of the foreign rental traffic). People are very surprised to meet a Canadian because Covid has eliminated almost all international travel. I, of course, live on the boat and have been in France since March. Now, just about impossible to get out without quarantine.
I am at the confluence of the Canal du Loing and the mighty Seine River: one of the two major waterway systems for commercial traffic (the other being the Saone/Rhone system- see postings about my travel there!)

the main entrance into the church in Moret-sur-Loing, sowing some of the exquisitely restored stonework
Moret sur Loing was once a royal retreat city: somewhat like Sandringham, or Balmoral in Britain are today, or (if you are Canadian and thinking primeministereal, Meech Lake, though on a much less grand scale). There is significant evident of this city’s impressive past: major (old, stone, and intact) bridge across the Loing river, exceptional city gates, a fantastic church, recently having undergone extensive restoration, and the remnants of the royal residence, though this is significantly reduced in scope and grandeur from the days of the 14-17th centuries.
Given that this city (and St. Mammes on the east bank of the Loing, plus the companion cities of Champgne sur Seine across the Seine,and Thomery just downstream on the Seine), this area is one of the important crossroads of the waterways of France. Lots of industrial traffic used to come down the Loing, and there are still remnants of that, especially in the transport of sand and rock. The Seine is still a full commercial river, and there is daily traffic of all sorts of ships, particularly as the Seine has locks 180m long by 11.5m wide, so the ships can be very large (compared to my cockleshell!). I stay far away as I can!
The next days will be completely different as I deal with these large ships, their wash, and their absolute right-of-way (might has right!). I will also be back in a river with current, and a significant expectation of following all navigation and safety guidelines.